

EnvironMentor is a social leadership program that seeks to amplify environmental concerns by creating competent youth leaders. Climate change will decide the future of so many young children, perhaps that is why the young ones are leading the fight against it. The project equips students with leadership skills and a deeper understanding of environmental concerns so that they can initiate change at a micro and macro level. EnvironMentor’s leadership program is conducted in 3-parts: 

  1. The Environmental Leaders Ladder (TELL): Delivered through an original 8-module curriculum that covers the fundamentals of environmental leadership in the 21st century, TELL will be taught to students at our partner NGO school. Upon completion, all students receive a certificate designating them “EnvironMentors”, able to drive change in their communities.

  2. Sustainable Habitats for Our World (SHOW): Level 2 of the leadership program is SHOW, which seeks to empower students to enhance their engagement with environmental advocacy. Here, novel ways to achieve sustainable habitats are conceptualized, including envisioning and presenting existing and new models to initiate specific change. This is conducted through a 4 part curriculum, focusing on best practices, impact evaluation, and goal-setting. The aim is to help  students to think about small-scale local ideas that can have a big impact in the world.

  3. Generating Impact in Vernacular Environmentalism (GIVE): The final step is GIVE, which empowers students to implement SHOW with the help of EnvironMentor’s resources. Using our proprietary pitch material which includes template emails, project planning frameworks, and documentation guidelines,  GIVE will facilitate hyper-local socio-environmental projects that drive real change allowing for students to develop and implement their own projects.