Our Work

EnvironMENTOR Sessions

As a key part of the project, In May and June of 2022, I delivered five elaborate sessions to the children at the Prajna Foundation over a period of two months. The sessions were based on the informational material created in the course of the project, that is the TELL and the SHOW and GIVE curricula. The sessions were oriented around talking to students about environmental advocacy, the need for sustainable habitats and most importantly EnvironMentorship.


As a part of Project EnvironMENTOR, we are also running an online fundraiser to gather funds for further work and the betterment of the children that we work with. The resources accrued as a result of this will be donated directly to our NGO partner Prajna, in hope that this would help them carry out their noble ventures with increased gusto, and accelerate the learning and growth of the children which are associated with them. You too can choose to donate and help us reach our goals sooner. Make your contribution here: https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-children-of-prajna-foundation?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=fundraisers-title&mlp_referrer_id=7155391